Work is presently underway at the house next door, aka Ron’s parents’ future home, and as such Ron and I have been busy trying to figuring out various little (and not so little) details about the different things that need to get done over there. Ron and I have a lot in common, but also we are very different in many ways, and that fact was driven home recently when researching how to finish the columns in the finished basement next door.
Here for your reference (and for those of you who prefer pictures) is one of the unfinished basement columns:
As we have been doing pretty much every few minutes of late, we turned to Google. The contractor had mentioned something about column wraps so I looked these up. I scrolled through various images of finished porch columns on my phone, until finally I found someone who had finished their basement columns in just the way we were looking for. The image was part of a blog post, so I went to the link and began reading through the post, while Ron peered over my shoulder.
I’ll admit I was skimming through the post pretty quickly because I wanted to see if the author had mentioned a particular brand of column wrap or any other details about the materials used. As such, I was pretty focused on the text of the post. This particular blog broke up the blocks of text with photos detailing the project. I had discovered this post because of one of the photos, but I was on the hunt for details so I was ignoring the photos as I dug through the text.
As I scrolled down the page, every once in awhile I heard a small cry of dismay from over my shoulder because as I was busy pouring over the text of the post, Ron was actually much more interested in seeing the photos of the project. Watching over my shoulder was a frustrating experience for him because he was waiting patiently for me to scroll down to the next photo, but then almost as soon as I got to the image I scrolled straight past it to read more of the text. And so, it was driven home to us that we have very different styles of perusing some internet information.
The good news is that between the two of us we were able to track down the information that we needed. Namely that this particular blogger had not used a column wrap, but had simply cut some sheet rock pieces to create a little boxed wall around each column. And we screenshotted a couple of the photos to share with the contractor. So, that’s one thing settled about the big house project. If only everything were that simple!
— Alissa
Weekly Inspiration
What I’m Reading: The Hare by Melanie Finn
What I’m Watching: Only Murders in the Building
What I’m Listening to: “Sweet Child o’ Mine” - Pickin’ On Series
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My apologies for the typos and such this post is almost certainly riddled with.
We e been involved in several remodel projects. The part I loved was when the term Finished!!! Was uttered. Best of luck and a prayer too. Enjoy.
Sounds like me and my wife, I hone in on stuff very quickly, but she does not. Biggest example is when I see a bird or an animal and say "See that fox in the field?" She complains that I'm not specific enough, but by the time I offer a more precise answer, the fox is gone.